Monday, September 23, 2013

Sick, slow

One of the things I thought I could look forward to about my time off was a chance to be relatively healthy for a semester. I am usually prey to whatever sweeps through the dorms owing to how much time I spend around my students, but I seem to have picked up a rather cruddy cough all by myself. It has slowed me down a little, but here are some photos of the first panel test as it is progressing....

I'm trying to get ready for the arrival of the large panels that are really central to this fall's work...I've been doing so by messing around with some smaller panels...
making the stencil for the contour of the tumbling block pattern has been very inefficient...I must ding a better way to this, or I'll spend a whole month cutting stencils...

Differentiating grays...
Starting to see results...
Anyway, this is a very slow process for me. I am sure that once I figure it out, I'll be fine, but I am stuck in that place where I can only see one way to do the things and it isn't going fast enough. I often need to really rush through some thing to get a grip on it, and hopefully that will work out here...

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