Sunday, September 29, 2013

Rounding the clubhouse turn on this one...

This panel started out as a test to see how the stencilling techniques would work. It has been pretty productive, and I feel like I am ready to move on to larger surfaces...

This stencil sets up the blues...I am very much thinking about the work I did at the Borowsky center as I move from light to dark and cool to warm through this painting...
While I was feeling a little cruddy over this week, I worked mostly at the home studio on this. But I also started a few new drawings and made plans for some larger pictures I can work on while I wait for the new panels to get cut. I stopped by the Crane for the first time in more than a week on Saturday and found it hard to leave after three hours. I was suffering from sweep-the-studio-syndrome, where one small task leads into another and another and another.

This week, we'll be moving some larger gear up to the Sabbatical Studio at Crane and paying another visit to the laser cutter at Tyler. There are a few things going on...

  • three, six and nine letter poems
  • re-visiting Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf
  • more cut up language
I am trying to keep moving forward everyday on these things and whatever else crosses my mind, because I know there will be plenty of time to reflect later. This may not sound very strategic, and it's not. I have been practicing a kind strategy of try-to-do-it-all for the most part, and I am trying to find the energy to keep that up...

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