Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Black Flag - Richard Dawkins

It occurred to me the other day that I needed to make a black flag. I had been messing around with text from Beowulf, but it was hard to get it right...very difficult text chosen for rather sad reasons. I went back to a favorite passage (by Richard Dawkins, used in James Gleick's remarkable book, The Information: A History, A Theory, A Flood) and made this...I think I am going to be making a large canvas this way soon...

The text reads:
What lies at the heart of everything is not fire, not warm breath, not a spark of life, it is information, words, instructions. 
I have been planning to make a large, shaped panel version of this, but it is beginning to look like that's not going to happen on this sabbatical. I have run into long delays getting the panels made. I will have to re-direct.

 I suppose one of the lessons of this is not to put too many eggs in one basket...

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