Monday, May 31, 2010

Artists not writing...

I've done a lot of work on artists' writing, on how as authors artists contribute to the discussion of their work or navigate their ways out of creative or critical cul de sacs (often not ones of their own making, more like ossified inherited critical positions whose dogma is shattered as much by writing as by making) through its use.

I think it's important to point out (as I always do when I'm talking) that I don't always mean writing when I say 'writing'. I'm really talking about anything that requires one to slow down, choose one's words, take advantage of the opportunity to edit for clarity or emphasis...Lately I've been thinking about short films as a way of getting thins kind of 'writing' out to the world.

I'm interested in the one above because it seems like a generative example. If you know of others, please pass them on. I hope to spend some time with this stuff in a seminar I'm doing this summer. Meanwhile, enjoy...

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