Friday, March 03, 2006

Bill Harris Painting ( I think of Keith)

Hey there! Keith, there is a local artist here at the shop that my studio is located that reminds me of your work. I thought maybe you'd like to check him out. His name is Bill Harris, and he's one of the nicest guys I've ever met. I really enjoy is stuff and there is a quality that reminds me of your work over the summer. Mainly the self portait you did. If you ever want any more info besides his website let me know cause I work almost right next to him. The website is Have fun!

1 comment:

Gruber said...

Thanks Debbie, I've enjoyed my first gander at his work, and I do see some similarities, except for the major difference in production, what kind of coffee does that guy drink to crank out all those paintings?
Looking forward to looking further.